
  • Smoking is more prevalent among Maryland men than women.
    • 13.7% of women reported being current smokers compared to 19.4% of men.3.7% of women reported being current smokers compared to 19.4% of men.
    • 66.8% of women reported never smoking compared to 55.2% of men.
  • Cigarettes are the most common tobacco product used by Maryland women.
  • 2% of Maryland women report cigar use in the past 30 days.
  • 0.9% of Maryland women report current use of chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus.
  • 1.7% of Maryland women report current use of tobacco products other than cigarettes, cigars, or chewing tobacco, such as pipes, hookah, bidis, kreteks, or dissolvable tobacco products..7% of Maryland women report current use of tobacco products other than cigarettes, cigars, or chewing tobacco, such as pipes, hookah, bidis, kreteks, or dissolvable tobacco products.
  • In 2013, 13.7% of women reported being current smokers.  
  • Smoking was highest among women ages 50-64 years old (16.4%) and white, non-Hispanic women (15.9%).
  • The percentage of Maryland youth who are current users of tobacco has declined from 2005 to 2013 by 3.5%.he percentage of Maryland youth who are current users of tobacco has declined from 2005 to 2013 by 3.5%.  However, the percentage of youth who smoke cigars/cigarillos or use smokeless tobacco products has increased. 
  • In 2013, 10% of female youth reported cigarette use in the last 30 days, 8.7% reported cigar/cigarillo use, and 3.3% reported use of smokeless tobacco products.
  • Use of all types of tobacco products is highest among female youth ages 18 or older and among Hispanics females.  
  • Although adding flavoring other than menthol to cigarettes is illegal in the United States, other types of flavored tobacco products (e.g. cigars) are popular among youth.  10.7% of female youth reported using a flavored tobacco product in the past 30 days.

  1. Maryland Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Retrieved October 14, 2014 from Maryland BRFSS Website:
  2. Maryland Youth Risk Behavior Survey Report (Biennial Report 2020) .
  3. Maryland Behavioral Risk Surveillance System and Youth Risk Behavior/ Tobacco Survey(BRFSS, YRBS/YTS).
Updated November, 2022